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在特定斜率和深度均勻管流 的曼寧公式

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單位設定 [Hide this line]
Flow depth, y Flow depth, y X
流動面積 流動面積 X
Pipe area, a0 Pipe area, a0 X
Relative area, a/a0 Relative area, a/a0 X
濕周 濕周 X
水力半徑 水力半徑 X
頂部寬度, T 頂部寬度, T X
流速, v 流速, v X
速度壓頭, hv 速度壓頭, hv X
Froude 數, F Froude 數, F X
Average 剪應力(牽引力), tau Average 剪應力(牽引力), tau X
流量,q (See notes) 流量,q (See notes) X
Full flow, Q0 Full flow, Q0 X
Ratio to full flow, Q/Q0 Ratio to full flow, Q/Q0 X


This is the flow and depth inside an infinitely long pipe.
Getting the flow into the pipe may require significantly higher headwater depth. Add at least 1.5 times the velocity head to get the headwater depth or see my 2-minute tutorial for standard culvert headwater calculations using HY-8.

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